Romans one by one

Details of person Πόπλιος

ID: 1665

Praenomen: Πόπλιος

Nomen: Αἴλιος

Cognomen/Personal name: Ἀρτεμίδωρος

Father/Master: Φαιδρίας

Gender: Male

Juridical status: yes

Citizen: yes

Collegium/Association: yes

Type of Association: religious

Position within the Association: ὑμνωδος

Activities within the Association: musical competitions

Deities: probably Διόνυσος

Details of life/death: He was a member of the Gerousia, as well as a member of an association dedicated probably to Dionysos; it can be suggested that the association from ISM I 211 (00149MI) was also dedicated to Dionysos. He is mentioned by the following inscriptions: ISM I 193 (00132MI), ISM I 207 (00145MI), ISM I 211 (00149MI).

Inscriptions: 00132MI 00145MI 00149MI

External Link:

Local Magistrate: true
