Romans one by one

Details of person Caius

ID: 9612

Praenomen: Caius

Nomen: Iulius

Cognomen/Personal name: Quadratus

Father/Master: Caius

Gender: Male

Juridical status: yes

Citizen: yes

Dedicated for: yes

Dedicated by: yes

Inscriptions: 01086MI

External Link:

Local Magistrate: true

Local Magistrate details: loci, princeps, quinquennalis territorii Capidavensis

Observations: The meaning of „loci princeps” has been interpreted in a different manner by researchers: C. Allard (Souvenirs de la guerre d’Orient. La Bulgarie Orientale, Paris, 1864, p. 72), considered it to denote the administrative chief of the area. L. Renier (Souvenirs de la guerre d’Orient. La Bulgarie Orientale, Paris, 1864, p. 292) considered that it is somehow the equivalent of a praefectus pagi, considering therefore that the settlement was a pagus, which had a more rudimentary organisation than the vicus. R. Vulpe (Histoire ancienne de la Dobrudja, București, 1938, p. 196) equals locus with vicus, the term locus being used, in his opinion, only when the vicus was led by a single magistrate. G. Florescu (O nouă inscripție referitoare la familia Cocceilor de la Capidava, SCIVA I.2, 1950, p. 138), considered that, from a hierarchical point of view, locus is situated between a vicus and a municipium. Em. Popescu (Aspecte ale colonizării și romanizării în Dacia și Scythia în lumina unor inscripții din muzee bucureștene, Studii Clasice IX, 1967, p. 184) considered that the term princeps does not have an administrative meaning, but a social one, denominating an important member of the community.


Relation Type Related person
HusbandOf 9613 Iulia Terentia
