Romans one by one

Details of person

ID: 9021

Nomen: Silvius

Cognomen/Personal name: Silvanus

Gender: Male

Juridical status: yes

Citizen: yes

Deities: Iupiter Optimus Maximus, Iunona Regina

Dedicated by: yes

Inscriptions: 00923MI

External Link:

Ordo equester: true

Ordo equester details: vir perfectissimus

Provincial Governor: true

Provincial Governor: praeses provinciae Moesiae Inferioris (284-302 AD?)

Praetorian rank: true

Observations: This is the first attestation in Moesia Inferior of a governor of the equestrian order (he occupied this position probably during the reign of Diocletian, before the province was divided into Moesia Secunda and Scythia). The title praeses suggests that he was in charge of the civic administration, and not of the military administration, which was in the responsibility of a dux.
