Romans one by one

Details of person Publius

ID: 8533

Praenomen: Publius

Nomen: Calpurnius Caulius

Cognomen/Personal name: Macer Rufus

Gender: Male

Juridical status: yes

Citizen: yes

Details of life/death: The inscription does not mention it but he was a consul suffectus in AD 103. He was a friend of Pliny the Young, from whom we find out that the governor is married and has a son (Pliny, Letters, V, 18).

Inscriptions: 00849MI 01246MI 02064MI

External Link: EDCS-12300262

Ordo senatorius: yes

Provincial Governor: true

Provincial Governor: legatus Augusti pro praetore (111-112 AD)

Consular rank: true
