Romans one by one

Details of person Πόπλιος

ID: 8259

Praenomen: Πόπλιος

Nomen: Οὐινικίος

Gender: Male

Juridical status: yes

Citizen: yes

Details of life/death: He was a consul in 2 AD. The inscription does not mention it but he accomplished a mission in Thrace and Macedonia, some authors believe that he was a proconsul in Macedonia and a legatus pro praetore in Thrace (Sarikakis 1977, 39, Oliver, 1965, 51-55).

Inscriptions: 00714MI 00722MI

External Link:

Ordo senatorius: yes

Observations: The editor of the inscription, Avram (ISM III, 367), believes that this individual was granted honours by the city of Histria due to his contribution in making the city a civitas foederata on the occasion of his mission in the area.
