Romans one by one

Details of person

ID: 7993

Nomen: Καικιλία

Cognomen/Personal name: Ἀρτεμισία

Gender: Female

Juridical status: yes

Citizen: yes

Age: XXX

Details of life/death: She was probably married at thirteen years, she had four children, one of which died after being born, and she also died soon afterwards

Dedicated for: yes

Inscriptions: 00645MI

External Link:


Relation Type Related person
Daughter-in-lawOf 7992 Καικίλιος Πρεῖσκος
MotherOf 7997 such
MotherOf 7994 Πρεῖσκος
MotherOf 7995 Ἱερωνίς
MotherOf 7996 Θεοδώρα
DaughterOf 7998 Φλαβία Θεοδώρα
