Romans one by one

Details of person

ID: 680

Nomen: Βίρριος

Cognomen/Personal name: Λέων

Gender: Male

Juridical status: yes

Citizen: yes

Collegium/Association: yes

Type of Association: religious (Ποσειδονιασταί)

Position within the Association: ἱερασάμενος

Divinity priest: yes

Deities: Ποσειδῶν Ἑλικώνιος

Inscriptions: 00099MI

External Link:


Relation Type Related person
Co-worker/associateOf (M) 681 Αὐρήλιος Διογένης
Co-worker/associateOf (M) 682 Αὐρήλιος Μαρκιανός
Co-worker/associateOf (M) 683 Αὐρήλιος Ἑρμάφιλος
Co-worker/associateOf (M) 684 Αὐρήλιος Ποντιανός
Co-worker/associateOf (M) 685 Αὐρήλιος Διονυσόδωρος
Co-worker/associateOf (M) 679 Τίτος Αἴλιος Μινουκιανός
