Romans one by one

Details of person

ID: 3802

Cognomen/Personal name: Σάτυρος

Father/Master: Σάτυρος

Gender: Male

Origo: Ἡράκλεια Ποντική

Collegium/Association: yes

Type of Association: religious

Deities: Ἡρακλῆς Φαρανγείτης

Dedicated by: yes

Inscriptions: 00346MI

External Link:

Observations: The members of the association were grouped around him.


Relation Type Related person
Unspecified relationshipOf (M) 3805 Ἀνδρόνεικος
Unspecified relationshipOf (M) 3821 Θεαγένης
Unspecified relationshipOf (M) 3828 [Θρα]συ[μ]ήδης
