Romans one by one

Details of person

ID: 16122

Cognomen/Personal name: Ἀπολλώνιος

Father/Master: Ἀπολλώνιος son of Προμαθίων

Gender: Male

Juridical status: yes

Peregrine: yes

Religious position: yes

Imperial priest: yes

Divinity priest: yes

Divinity priest details: ἀρχιερεύς

Deities: θέᾳ Ῥώμη

Dedicated for: yes

Inscriptions: 02340MI 02211MI

External Link:

Observations: He is called „the brother of the demos”, which might point to the fact that he had a position in the Western Pontic Koinon.


Relation Type Related person
SonOf 15886 Ἀπολλώνιος
BrotherOf 16491 Προμαθίων
BrotherOf 16492 Ἀγαθήνωρ
BrotherOf 16493 Διονύσιος
