Romans one by one

Details of person

ID: 13452

Cognomen/Personal name: Andueia

Father/Master: Bato

Gender: Unknown

Juridical status: yes

Peregrine: yes

Dedicated by: yes

Inscriptions: 01921DS 01926DS 01922DS

External Link:

Observations: This person appears on three tablets, and each time his cognomen suffers some small changes: Andueia Batonis (IDR I 39) as a buyer; Anduenna Batonis (IDR I 33) as a debtor; Andueia Batonis (IDR I 32) as a debtor (?). Andueia of Bato bought half of a house with 300 denari in the neighbourhood of the Pirustae Illyrians (vicus Pirustarum) from Alburnus.


Relation Type Related person
Co-worker/associateOf (M) 13497 Veturius Valens
NeighbourOf (M) 13495 Plator
NeighbourOf (M) 13496 Ingenuus
