Romans one by one

Details of person Marcus

ID: 13410

Praenomen: Marcus

Nomen: Aurelius

Cognomen/Personal name: Augustianus

Gender: Male

Juridical status: yes

Citizen: yes

Veteranus: yes

Veteranus unit: Cohors Praetoria

Age: LXX

Dedicated for: yes

Inscriptions: 00390MS

External Link:

Observations: The editor of IMS III/2 cite older bibliographic references which mention that this individual is the same as the one in IMS III/2 55. However this is only a supposition.


Relation Type Related person
BrotherOf 13411 Aurelius Candidus
SonOf 13412 Aurelius Surus
Unreadable relationshipOf (M) 13413 Maius C[---]
