Romans one by one

Details of person Titus

ID: 12039

Praenomen: Titus

Nomen: Iulius

Cognomen/Personal name: Capito

Gender: Male

Juridical status: yes

Citizen: yes

Libertus/-a: yes

Collegium/Association: yes

Type of Association: Ordo Augustalium

Position within the Association: patronus

Deities: Genius

Dedicated for: yes

Inscriptions: 01428MI 01725MI 02099MI

External Link:

Local Magistrate: true

Decurion: true

City/Town: Oescus

Decorations: true

Observations: He was honored by the ordo of colonia Sirmium and received the ius sententiae dicundae, he received ornamenta decurionalia from the ordines of the colonia Ulpia Poetouio, the colonia Ulpia Ratiaria and the colonia Sarmizegetusa. The ordo municipii Romulensium gave him the ornamenta duumuiralia. At Tomis he was a member of the boule. Moreover, he also received the priestly honours from the ordo coloniae Oescensium, which also awarded him decurional and duumviral ornamenta by decree. Lastly he was also patronus of the Augustales from Oescus.


Relation Type Related person
BrotherOf 12770 Iulius Ianuarius
BrotherOf 12771 Iulius Epaphroditus
PatronusOf 12769 Hermes
