ID: 10691
Praenomen: Lucius
Nomen: Oppius
Cognomen/Personal name: Maximus
Gender: Male
Juridical status:
Citizen: yes
Collegium/Association: yes
Type of Association: Nouaenses Oppiani
Religious position: yes
Divinity priest: yes
Divinity priest details: sacerdos
Deities: Magna Mater, Liber Pater
Dedicated by: yes
External Link:
Observations: The sacerdos offered a monument to a collegium of dendrophori and dumopireti, both collegia were dedicated to Magna Mater. According to G. Kazarov (Antike Denkmäler in Bulgarien, AA, 1927, p. 342-344), the relief represents Θεός Μέγας.