Romans one by one

Details of person Cnaeus

ID: 10620

Praenomen: Cnaeus

Nomen: Suellius Cosconius

Cognomen/Personal name: Rufus Gentianus

Gender: Male

Juridical status: yes

Citizen: yes

Dedicated by: yes

Inscriptions: 01247MI 02161MI 00031MI

External Link:

Ordo senatorius: yes

Provincial Governor: true

Provincial Governor: legatus Augusti pro praetore (195-198 AD)

Consular rank: true

Observations: The inscription records the restoration or the reconstruction of a building under the care of the governor. The restoration of the text presents an epigraphic odity: the placing of the name after the title: per leg(atum) Au]g(usti) pr(o)[pr(aetore) provinc(iae) Moesiae Co]sco[nium Gentianum.
