Romans one by one

Details of person Marcus

ID: 10238

Praenomen: Marcus

Nomen: Pontius

Cognomen/Personal name: Laelianus

Gender: Male

Juridical status: yes

Citizen: yes

Details of life/death: He was the father of the governor Pontius Laelianus. He also had a rich cursus honorum, known to us through the inscription CIL VI 1497, and CIL VI 1549. He was legatus of the following provinces: Pannonia Inferior, Pannonia Superior, and Syria.

Inscriptions: 01135MI 00996MS

External Link:

Ordo senatorius: yes

Provincial Governor: true

Provincial Governor: legatus Augusti pro praetore

Consular rank: true


Relation Type Related person
FatherOf 3119 Pontius Laelianus
