Romans one by one

Details of inscription 00071DP

Inscription code: 00071DP

Type of inscription: Funerary

Language: Latin

Material: Limestone

Observations: Found in 1943 in the excavations carried out in the porta principalis sinistra of the Pomet hill.

Province: Dacia Porolissensis

Place of discovery: Moigrad

Place of provenience: Moigrad

Ancient name provenience: Porolissum

Roman provenience: yes

Greek provenience: no

Start period: 1/1/130

End period: 31/12/170


Abbreviation Author and Title Page Comments
Gudea 1989
N. Gudea, Porolissum. Un complex daco-roman la marginea de nord a Imperiului Roman. I. Descoperiri și cercetări arheologice până în anul 1979, Zalău, 1989 (= Acta Musei Porolissensis, XIII, 1989).
p. 77, no 74.
Tóth 1978
E. Tóth, Porolissum. Das castellum in Moigrad. Ausgrabungen von A. Radnóti, 1943 (Budapest 1978)
p. 34, no 33 (drawing).
