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Romans one by one

Romans 1 by 1. An insight into the population of Roman Dacia and Moesia

Research grant supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PNII-RU-TE-2014-4-0488.




Imola Boda, Călin Timoc, Bemerkungen einem Mithraischen relief aus Tibiscum (Jupa, Caransebeș, RO), Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 67, 2016, 245-254.
Imola Boda, Călin Timoc, Notes on the Dolichenian Monument of Pincum / VelikoGradište (CIL III 14503, 1 = AE 1902, 20), Starinar 66, 2016, 121-127.
Imola Boda, Călin Timoc, The Sacred Topography of Tibiscum, Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai – Historia 60/1, Cluj-Napoca 2016, 39-59.
Dan Deac, Graffiti on ceramic medallions depicting Isis and Sarapis from Roman Dacia, in R. Ardevan, E. Beu-Dachin (eds.), Mensa rotunda epigraphica Napocensis, Mega Publishing House, 2016, under press.
Annamária – Izabella Pázsint, Between Oikosand Polis: the Life of Women in Istros, Tomisand Callatis (6th Century BC-4th Century AD), Ephemeris Napocensis XXVII, 2017, under press.
Rada Varga, Romans 1 by 1 v.1.1. New developments in the study of Roman population, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, 2017, under press.
Rada Varga, Romans 1 by 1. Documenting a population database for the Roman world, in Digital and Traditional Epigraphy in Context, Sapienza Universita Editrice, 2016, under press.
Rada Varga, Epigraphic manifestations of the medical personnel. A comparative approach on the epigraphy of “military” and “civilian” health workers, in Beiträge des 23. Limeskongress. 12.–23. September 2015 Ingolstadt, Deutschland. Beiträge zum Welterbe Limes 9, under press.
Rada Varga, Aurelius Aquila, negotiator ex provincia Dacia. A prosopographic reconstruction, in R. Ardevan, E. Beu-Dachin (eds.), Mensa rotunda epigraphica Napocensis, Mega Publishing House, 2016, under press.


Imola Boda, Religious life of Thracians in Roman Dacia, 1st International Roman and Late Antique Thrace Conference „Cities, territories and identities”, Plovdiv, 7-10 octombrie 2016.
Imola Boda, C. Timoc, V. Bunoiu, Population dynamics at the spas of Roman Dacia. Case study: the Romans from Băile Herculane, International Conference People of the Ancient World, Cluj-Napoca, 13-15 octombrie, 2016.
Dan Deac, Some notes on the population of Dacia Porolissensis, International Conference People of the Ancient World, Cluj-Napoca, 13-15 octombrie, 2016.
Annamária – Izabella Pázsint, It’s a family business. The kindred dimension of the Black Sea associations, between fictive and real meaning (3rd C BC – 3rd C AD), International Conference People of the Ancient World, Cluj-Napoca, 13-15 octombrie, 2016.
Annamária – Izabella Pázsint, It’s a man’s world: a gender perspective on the private associations from the Black Sea area (3rd C BC – 3rd C AD), 2nd Croatian – Hungarian PhD Conference on Archaeology and Ancient History, Budapesta, 10-11 noiembrie 2016.
Rada Varga, George Cupcea, A prosopographical survey of the governors’ guards from the Principate’s period, Mensa Rotunda Epigraphiae Dacicae Pannonicaeque, Cluj-Napoca, 16-17 octombrie 2015, Cluj-Napoca.
Rada Varga, Romans 1by1. Prosopography and SNA (Social Network Analyses), conferință invitată la Universitatea din Iași, 12 mai 2016.
Rada Varga, Tipologii și structuri familiale în Dacia Porolissensis, Sesiunea aniversară a Muzeului Județean de Istorie și Artă, 6-7 octombrie 2016, Zalău.
Rada Varga, Encoding the Roman professions. A tentative approach, International Conference People of the Ancient World, Cluj-Napoca, 13-15 octombrie, 2016. George Cupcea, Rada Varga, An inquiry on the typology and structure of the military families in Roman Dacia, Married to the military: soldiers’ families in the ancient world & beyond, Open University, Londra, 11-12 noiembrie 2016.


Annamária – Izabella Pázsint, recenzie la volumul Cristina-Georgeta Alexandrescu (ed.), Jupiter on your side. Gods and humans in antiquity in the Lower Danube area, Studia UBB Historia, 60/1, 2016, p. 222 – 226.

Workshops, Trainings:

Annamária – Izabella Pázsint, – la Epidoc & Digital Classics, organizat în cadrul Universităţii Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca (27 martie – 1 aprilie 2016).

Scientific Reports:

2016 Report